Program 29., 30., 31. 3. 2020
The venue was not possible because of Corona. (Venue:Rented house and some street side places where performance will take place.) The interventions were extended to several months and could be carried out in an adapted manner.
• Introduction: Sharing of Identity and Experience
• Why there is no Audience
• Why everybody is an Artist
• Workshop with Rosalia Kopeinig
• Core theme: Displacement: Arakan-Kashmir-Palestine : Muslimder body-r displacement;
• Bengali and Rohingya historical relationships’ Contextualization
• Film shows with live Concert
• Poetry reading/ Performance
Team of 10 Days that Shook the World:
- Shalahuddin Helaly (Assistant Curator)
Helaly is the son of a freedom-fighter, of the liberation war of Bangladesh, and a renowned local politician. An experienced screen based journalist, Helaly, pioneered investigative reporting for primetime television programs, in Bangladesh and has been working as a researcher with more than 10 years in different televisions stations and other medium and is knows his for factual, ethical and impactful reports.He is a local of Maheshkhali, Cox’s Bazar, a coastal town, where world’s largest refugee camps are located. He has been the executive-editor of ‘Probasshi-patro’ an online news portal.He has worked with the Al-Jazeera, BBC, AFP, ITV, South-Korean daily newspapers, a Riyadh based TV, Kaladan Press, Aajtak Tv, and Thai PBS in different capacities.
- Tanvir Ahmed Chowdhury (Assistant Gallerist)
Chowdhury is an experienced filmmaker, video artist, writer, creative content generator and a local of Chittagong.
- Tahera Tabassum
Tabassum is a practicing architect who is vastly experienced in research and academia.She is the executive director and founding member of Coastal Research and Development Foundation and the studio head and co-founder of Harappa Architects.She had been a key member of the executive bodies and editing committee of D: the Architecture Magazine.
- Afsana Latif
An architect and researcher Latif is a partner of PALOLIK. She specializes in different characteristics of disaster managements in urban spaces and community building.
- Shafiqul Kabir Chandan
A Milano, Italy based fiber artist, Chandan is a graduate of Kala Bhavana, Visva bharati, Santiniketan, India. He has shown his work all over the world but most recently at Fondazione Orestiadi di Gibellina, Palermo, Italy. Galerie Evropskeho domu The Europa House Gallery, Plzen, Republic of Czech; arte tessile, societa umanitaria, Milano. He is an avid writer and researcher and his new book just came in 2020’s Book Fair in Bangladesh.
- Proshoon Rahmaan
Rahmaan is Dhaka based Writer & independent Filmmaker from Bangladesh. He established his Production Company, Imation Creator, in 2007. His debut film `Her Own Address' (Sutopar Thikana) was National Grant winner which portrayed womanhood of South Asia. `The Birth Land’ (JonmoBhumee) is his 2nd feature Film based on the true stories of the lives of Rohingya refugees. He also made a feature length documentary on Rohingya crisis titled ‘Long Period of Persecution’ which had been result of long research and sensitive close look from that persecuted minorities point of view. He is working on a narrative feature titled `Dhaka Dream' , at this point; this film is intended to be the first part of a trilogy.
- Apart from that there will be 2 gallery assistants and an art handler, a cleaner and a cook fulltime and few part time food handlers, kitchen helpers and a bus driver in the team.