“Medea’s Daughters*/Medea’s Maze” by diverCityLab
25.3.-15.4. / 1.4. and 8.4. public space, Villach
Performative audio walk which can be heard and experienced in the public space throughout the event.
Due to the current Covid19 regulations, a joint walk is not possible, but the makers of MEDEAS TÖCHTER* will offer a talk via Zoom to share their experiences and to talk with the producers ( the dramaturgist Anna Schober and one performer of "Medeas daughter") about the project:
Registration at office@mappingtheunseen.com
April 1st between 4 and 6 p.m.
April 8th between 11 a.m. and 1p.m.
“MEDEAS DAUGHTERS*, these are young women* whose visibility and influence on society are pushed into the background because of their origin, skin colour, sexual orientation or political views. Their voices, faces, bodies and thoughts remain hidden while politics is made on their backs. Already during the last lockdown, MEDEA’S DAUGHTERS* did not submit to forced inactivity. Among many other projects, MEDEAS MAZE was created, an interactive radio play/an audible aberration - which can be followed and listened to via headphones. We tell aberrations around the world of women*, stories from the end of matriarchy to the lockdown in 2020. When we have to close the doors to the theatres, doors to those spaces where discourse can happen and oppressed voices can be heard, we will not fall silent.
Put your headphones on, make sure you have internet connection and walk away ... Then it won’t be quiet”:
Sound design and music: Uwe Felchle
Concept and direction: Aslı Kışlal
Texts by: Tunay Önder, Aslı Kışlal, Ruchi Bajaj, Jona Moro, Charlotte Zorell
Dramaturgy: Anna Schober
Assistance: Shabnam Chamani
Speakers: Ruchi Bajaj, Vahidenur Caf, Shabnam Chamani, Tanja Josic, Jona Moro, Charlotte Zorell